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(Unihockey er det tyske ordet for innebandy.....)

Invitation Gasunie Open International Unihockey Tournament
On behalf of the organisation committee of the Gasunie Open, I would like to invite you to take part in our international unihockey tournament. In the weekend of the 24th and 25th of March 2000, there shall again be competed for the Gasunie cup. This year the tournament will be about professionally and enthusiasm, because that's what unihockey is all about!

A professional tournament needs a professional location, and just like last year we may once again use the Martinihal, the largest facility in Groningen! Perfectly reachable by car and by train or bus. It is only 10 minutes away from the lively centre of Groningen. We, as the organisation committee, are convinced this location has got what it takes to present to you a fantastic tournament.

In the weekend the competition will be strong to deserve points and without a doubt we shall see unihockey at a high level. After a day of unihockey it is time to have a nice dinner with enjoyable company, and of course a party will not be left out. All the contestants can get a good night sleep, since the Academy of Sports will provide us with enough beds.

All the necessary details are included by means of a folder. It should contain all you want to know. For additional information, or just for fun, you can take a look at http://www.unihockey.nl/gasunieopen.

Seksjonsstyret i innebandy har besluttet at Pasningen i sin nåværende form skal legges ned.

Den informasjon man trenger om innebandy vil man kunne finne på www.innebandy.no

Norges Bandyforbund åpnet også nye web sider 17.oktober, samme dag som forbundet fylte 80 år. Adressen hit er: www.bandyforbundet.no

De fleste innebandyledere har tilgang til Internet fra sin arbeidsplass eller hjemme.
Seksjonsstyret ser derfor ikke nødvendigheten av å bruke penger på dyre utsendelser pr. brev med Pasningen.

Annen viktig informasjon vil som før bli sendt ut til klubbene pr. brev

Og avslutningsvis, en takk til Bandyforbundets tidligere konsulent John Petter Garnes, nå bosatt i Mo i Rana, som i sin tid utarbeidet idéen om "Pasningen".

Spillere som fyller 13 år i perioden 01.01.2001 og ut sesongen 2000-01, må betale lisens.
Grunnen til dette er at overstående aldersgruppe faller mellom to "stoler" m.h.t. forsikring. Norges Idrettsforbund forsikrer alle spillere som er 12 år og yngre pr. 31.12.

Forsikringsbeløpet for ovennevnte aldersgruppe er kr 80,- pr. spiller.

Hvis klubbene har behov for flere blanke lisenser,
ring forbundskontoret på tlf: 21 02 95 70.

I hele november/desember vil Norges Bandyforbund føre lisenskontroll "på stedet", altså i hallene hvor kampene spilles.
Dette gjelder forbundsseriene og kretsseriene over hele landet.

Det vil derfor bli nødvendig for klubbene/ spillerne og ta med bekreftelse for betalt lisens og id-kort i den gjeldende perioden.

Samtlige spillere som skal delta i konkurranser administrert av forbund eller krets skal løse lisens. Før kampstart skal kvitteringer for betalt lisens kunne forevises i sekretariatet.

I straffereaksjoner for brudd på kampreglementet finner man:
Benytter et lag ikke lisensierte spillere, ilegges klubben en bot på kr 250,- pr. spiller pr. kamp + bot til klubben størrelse kr. 1.000,- pr. kamp. For å ikke forevise kvittering for betalt lisens ved kampstart ilegges klubben kr 500,- i bot.

Kampoppsett VM2001
Women's World Championships 20-27.05 2001 in Riga, Latvia


Group 1
Czech Republic

Group 2

Sunday 20.05
18:15 Group 1 Finland- Norway
20:30 Group 1 Czech Republic- Austria

Monday 21.05
18:15 Group 2 Switzerland- Sweden
20:30 Group 2 Germany- Latvia

Tuesday 22.05
13:00 Group 1 Norway- Austria
15:30 Group 1 Finland Czech- Republic
18:00 Group 2 Sweden- Latvia
20:30 Group 2 Switzerland- Germany

Thursday 24.05
13:00 Group 1 Czech Republic- Norway
15:30 Group 1 Austria- Finland
18:00 Group 2 Germany- Sweden
20:30 Group 2 Latvia- Switzerland

Friday 25.05
18:00 5th/7th place 3rd/4th Group 1/2- 3rd/4th Group 1/2

Saturday 26.05
13:00 Semifinal 1 1st Group 1- 2nd Group 2
16:00 Semifinal 2 1st Group 2- 2nd Group 1

Sunday 27.05
10:00* 5th/7th place 3rd/4th Group 1/2- 3rd/4th Group 1/2
12:30* Bronze Loser Semi 1- Loser Semi 2
15:00* Final Winner Semi 1- Winner Semi 2

* Time might change due to TV-transmissions.

Andre landskamper i helgen:
11.11: Tyskland - Tjekkia 0-6
12.11: Tyskland - Tjekkia 1-5

11.11: Danmark - Tyskland 7-2
12.11: Danmark - Tyskland 1-6

Alle resultater fra Founders Cup for damer:

Sveits - Sverige 2-2
Sverige - Finland 5-4
Sveits - Finland 5-3

Sveits - Sverige 2-5
Sverige - Finland 3-1
Sveits - Finland 1-0

Resultat landskamp U19 damer:

Sveits - Finland 1-0 (0-0,1-0,0-0)
21.43. Ryse Simone 1-0

Resultat landskamp damer senior:

Sveits - Finland 5-3 (0-1,2-1,3-1)
8.15 Minna Isoniemi (Jonna Kettunen) 0-1
22.04 Petra Mäntynen (Katriina Saarinen) 0-2
24.54 Martha Dubacher (Nicole Rieser) 1-2
31.11 Dominique Ammann (Mirca Anderegg) 2-2
41.44 Ammann (Anderegg) 3-2
42.42 Kettunen (Isoniemi) 3-3
53.33 Ammann (Anderegg) 4-3
57.26 Nathalie Stadelmann (Marisa Mazzarelli) 5-3

Resultat landskamp herrer senior:

Finland - Sverige 3-10 (0-3,2-1,1-6)
1.18 Robert Holmgren 0-1
15.51 Jakob Olofsson (Peter Nilsson) 0-2
19.48 Johan Anderson (Tobias Skånberg) 0-3
25.17 Nilsson (Mikael Holmér) 0-4
30.18 Tero Karppanen (Jaakko Hintikka) 1-4
38.50 Hannu Korhonen (Mikael Järvi) 2-4
43.06 Anderson (Daniel Calebson) 2-5
45.32 Holmér (Holmgren) 2-6
50.37 Johannes Gustafsson (Peder Bodén) 2-7
52.49 Daniel Calebsson (Magnus Hallbäck) 2-8
54.20 Järvi (Markus Neimo) 3-8
57.17 Gustafsson (Daniel Marklund) 3-9
59.07 Hallbäck (Gustafsson) 3-10

Norge møtte et rent 1982 lag fra Finland i den siste kampen i firenasjonersturneringen for U19.
Finnene ble også for sterke for Norge, og vant til slutt hele 15-0.

I dagens andre kamp har Sveits og Sverige spilt 3-3.

Resultater fra Founders cup damer i Sveits:

Senior: Sverige - Finland 5-4(1-2,1-0,3-2)
1.34 Jonna Kettunen (Paula Jouhten) 0-1
5.25 Arja Joutsen (Tanja Pääkkönen) 0-2
18.33 Anna Gustavsson (Camilla Granelid) 1-2
33.37 Sandra Persson (Helen Nilsson) 2-2
45.55 Frida Lindberg (Persson) 3-2
47.27 Katriina Saarinen (Petra Mäntynen) 3-3
48.09 Lindberg (Persson) 4-3
48.36 Camilla Granelid (Maria Boänges) 5-3
59.27 Pääkkönen (Mäntynen) 5-4

U19: Sverige - Finland 3-1 (2-0,0-1,1-0)

Det norske dommerparet med Per Christian Westreng og Pål Espen Groth dømte.

Det spilles også senior landskamper for herrer i Finland.
Sverige slo Finland 5-4 (3-3,1-1,1-0) etter at den finske storstjernen Mika Kohonen bommet på straffeslag da det gjenstod ett minutt av kampen.

I dagens andre U19 kamp i Finland, har Finland slått Sveits 7-3.

Norges U19 lag tapte også sin andre kamp i Finland. Denne gang var det Sverige som ble alt for sterke, og kampen endte til slutt 12-0 i svenskenes favør.
Sverige stilte som Norge med spillere som er født i 1983 eller senere.
"Vi har litt å jobbe med nå..." utaler en av Norges landslagstrenere.
Verdensmesterskapet for U19 arrangeres om nøyaktig et år i Tyskland.

Norge tapte sin første kamp i firenasjonersturneringen for U19 herrer.
Sveits ble for tøffe, og vant til slutt 5-2 (2-0,2-0,1-2).
De norske målene ble laget av A. Berntsen og A.O. Markussen.
Rapportene fra kampen sier at Sveits var et meget fysisk spillende lag med flere spillere født i 1982.
Det norske laget består kun av spillere som er født i 1983 eller senere. Dette fordi Norges Bandyforbund ønsker å satse på de spillerne som kan delta under VM for U19 herrer i 2001.

SUI - NOR 5 - 2 (2-0, 2-0, 1-2)

01.34 1-0 Marco Geber (Armin Brummer)
13.12 2-0 Rafael Geiser (Stefan Renggli)
20.42 3-0 Simon Eichmann (Peter Lüthi)
31.52 4-0 Geber
51.19 4-1 Andreas Berntsen (Tu Tran Minh)
58.58 4-2 Alexander O. Markussen (Øystein Spernes)
59.48 5-2 Philipp Matzinger (Geiser)

Finland og Sverige spilte 4-4 (2-2,0-1,2-1) i den første kampen under firenasjonersturneringen for U19 i Finland.

Kampprogram for 4 nasjoners turneringen for U19 i Finland:
Fredag 10/11
18.00 SWE - FIN U19
20.30 SUI - NOR U19

Lørdag 11/11
13.00 NOR - SWE U19
15.30 FIN - SUI U19
18.00 FIN - SWE Men

Søndag 12/11
08.30 SUI - SWE U19
10.30 FIN - NOR U19
12.30 FIN - SWE Men

Følg med på www.innebandy.no for kampfakta fra Norges kamper.

Damelandslagets sjef Bjørn-Erik Kristiansen har byttet etternavn.
Hans nye etternavn er Thorp, og kan treffes på følgende nye e-post adresse:


Dear floorball friends,

During next week the IFF office (and the office of the Swedish Floorball Federation) is moving to a new location.
Phone, Fax and Postal address will remain unchanged but the visiting address will be: Ankdammsgatan 5 H, SE-17143 Solna.
Due to this the office will be closed 16-17.11.
If everything turns out well the office will be operative again on Monday 20.11.

With sincere regards
International Floorball Federation

Stefan Kratz
Secretary General

Dette tikket inn på e-post i dag. NBF vet ingen ting om turneringen, men hvis det er noen lag som har lyst til å prøve...


Dear floorball friends!

For the fourth time will this international youth and senior tournament will be settled. For the sixth time is the Volga Cup arranged in Nizhny Novgorod between April 26-29 2001, for the first time Russian Open (Male, Female).

Nowadays Nizhny Novgorod ranks third in population of today Russia. It is inhabited by 1.5 mln people and covers about 350 square km. There are 8 districts - 3 on the Right Bank of the river and 5 on the left, all different from each other. Nizhegorodsky District that starts from the Kremlin is a historical and cultural center focusing theatres, museums and Institutions of Higher Education. In Pryoksky District there is the biggest park in the city "Switzerland" and a picturesque place called Malynovaya Gryada, and a racetrack…

At the best sport center you can really experience the warm floorball atmosphere. To be able to watch women, juniors, younger girls and men creates a special spirit among the teams. The finals are played at our big good-class arena.

In total more than 100 matches will be played and about 1000 goals are scored!
One playing day in Moscow!
Taste it!

When you are not occupied with matches we offer a lot of other activities such as excursions, discos, pubs, night club are to expect. So it will not be difficult for You to call home, and continue Your acquaintance with our city. Experience shows, that it is important to meet other teams and players, playing good matches. Our purpose is that floorball tournaments should be much more than floorball.

Welcome to Nizhny Novgorod at the start of 2001 to become a part Russian Open and Volga Cup!

Mer informasjon:
Man - Juniors Born 1980 and later
Older Boys Born 1984 and later
Medium Boys Born 1986 and later

Women - Juniors Born 1980 and later
Older Girls Born 1984 and later
Medium Girls Born 1986 and later

Younger Boys + Younger Girls Born 1988 and later (mixed)
Boys + Girls Born 1990 and later (mixed)

Playing periods
The match time for all classes except Men and Women is 2 x 15 minutes.
The match time for Men and Women is 2 x 20 minutes.
The play off match for all classes except mixed teams is 2 x 20 minutes.

Enrollment Fee
The enrollment fee is 150 EUR per team, except for Younger Boys and Girls the fee is 99 EUR, Boys and Girls classes is without the fee. It shall be at Nizhny Novgorod Floorball Federation account no later than February 28, 2001. The reg-istration fee is not refundable and the amount is netto.
Account with institution:
ACCOUNT 0812605711 of Volgo-Okskiy Commercial Regional Bank For Foreign Trade Of Russia, Gorky Street 115, 603600 Nizhny Novgorod. SWIFT - VORC RU 2N with Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt am Main. SWIFT DRES DE FF.
Beneficiary customer: Account 40703978600000024140, Nizhny Novgorod Floorball Federation.

You decide how and where you would like to stay. NNFF can offer you two different alternatives for ac-commodation. Either you stay at school or at a hotel.
As to the school accommodation, the whole team will stay together in one classroom. All participants may bring their own sleeping bag and air mattresses, or if you wish rent beds and bedding from us. The cost for badding (incl. bed, blanket, pillow and cover and two sheets) is 9 EUR. Accommodation in classroom is 19 EUR per person for 4 nights.
The hotel is located near the sport hall. The rooms have TV, telephone and bath with shower.
Single room 25 EUR (Price per person, 1 night)
Double room 19 EUR (Price per person, 1 night)

Additional Information
This is to inform that we can organize your meeting, our bus will wait for you in front of the International air-port, railway station and than we organize transfer to hotel in Nizhny Novgorod with our representative per-son.
If you have any questions, concerning the organization and carrying out the tournament, please fax and write: contact person Serguei Bolshakov
Nizhny Novgorod Floorball Federation
13, Pochainskaya str., Nizhny Novgorod,
603001, RUSSIA.
Phone/Fax +7-(8312) 33-15-51; 65 12 35
E-mail - nnff@kis.ru
Internet http://www.asprv.ru/floorball/index.htm

We would be very happy to include one referee couple from your country. We would prefer to have one complete couple for the whole tournament. Due to our limited budget we can offer accommodations, meals and the usual fee 50 RUR/per match. Each referee pair will whistle around 5 games per day. So please think it over know your opinion and your decision before March 15.


Dear floorball friends,

Floorball a member in GAISF!
We are finally there! Floorball received on Saturday October 28, 2000, membership in the General Association of International Sports Federations, GAISF.
GAISF Statutory General Assembly, representing well over 70 different International Federations, decided unanimously to grant Floorball provisional membership. For our sport this is of tremendous importance, and gives us the international acceptance that our associations, and clubs, have strived for since the International Floorball Federation was founded in 1986.
At the General Assembly Mr Tomas Eriksson, President of IFF, addressed the delegates of GAISF as follows:
" On behalf of the International Floorball Federation and all floorball associations I would like to convey our gratitude for the membership granted today, which has an important impact on the floorball associations. I would like, in particular, to thank His Excellency Dr Kim (GAISF President), all honourable Council members, Executive Director Mr Jean Claude Schupp, and all distinguished delegates of the GAISF Statutory General Assembly for this decision!
We believe that floorball, as a new and rapidly growing sport of this millennium, attracting youth and the public at large, will contribute by bringing the Internet generation to sports. We also fully understand the obligations that come with the membership. Floorball looks forward to co-operate with GAISF and the International Federations, and we will continue working with important issues such as anti doping."
For floorball this decision of membership has many implications. Floorball has gained international acceptance, that among other things will enable the associations work to strengthen floorball domestically.
With GAISF membership comes also the opportunity to take part in World Games. Next games are played in Akita in Japan 2001. The 2005 World Games will be played in Duisburg in Germany (decided by GAISF General Assembly). An important issue is the fact that the International Olympic Committé, IOC, now has granted the World Games the right to benefit from using the Olympic rings. This will inevitably rise the standards of the World Games.
I would like to thank all of you, in the floorball associations and floorball clubs, who have performed excellently in promoting our sport and made this membership in GAISF come true!
Yours sincerely,

Tomas Eriksson
IFF President

Den norske landslagsspilleren Geir Nordseth ble stor "matchhjälte" da han lagde NB87 sine to siste mål i lokalderbyet mot Sjöstad i den svenske Eliteserien i dag.
NB87 vant kampen 3-2 (0-0,2-1,1-1).
Nordseth spiller sin første sesong for Karlstad klubben og har så langt i sesongen lagd 7 mål og 1 assist.
Derbyene mellom Sjöstad og NB87 blir sett på som noen av de mest prestisje tunge kampene i den svenske Eliteserien.
Man kan lese mer på NB87 sin hjemmeside.

For spørsmål om sidene ta kontakt med innebandy@nif.idrett.no